Characteristics of wise person from vidura neeti - Shirshak kandel

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Saturday, January 5, 2019

Characteristics of wise person from vidura neeti

Characteristics of the wise person from Vidura Neeti

1)One who knows himself, his strength and weakness, who analyze work is right or wrong before starting it if work is right set to take pain during his work and doesn't deviate from his work until he finished it.

2)One who does the right thing and avoid doing wrong things. One who believes in god( believes in god mean who think good will happen if I do good and bad will happen to me if I do bad, not a person who spent his life in name of god).

3)One who performs his work not affected by anger, happiness and ego and who has a stable mind in every situation.

4) A person who never discloses his plan, action and people know after the task is accomplished if you have confidence in your plan and action.

5) The person who do worldly duties(perform duties in such a way there is the benefit for him and other person ), who do religious duty( son duty to family, father duty to son, person duty to society ) and who earns for his livelihood.
6) One who chooses his work according to his capacity, perform it with full potential and never expect anything from it and don't insult anyone during his work.

7)One who understands quickly but listens intently and follows useful instruction and doesn't speak until advice is asked.

8) Person who never bothered by not getting things he desired, destroyed things and doesn't lose his patience in any condition of life.

9)Person who pays attention to a wise person talk and listens but not follows fool person suggestion, and never argues to both of them is a wise person .

10)Person who is not affected by praise and insult 

11) Person who has good knowledge in his field. Increases his knowledge and benefit others with his knowledge is a wise person.
12)One who understands his subject knowledge can easily understand his subject knowledge to other and who can analyze critically in his subject knowledge.

13)Person who reads a religious book and by reading know what is wrong and right and act according to it.

14)Person who doesn't show arrogance by getting money, power, respect and wisdom is known as a wise person 


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