Basic computer knowledge - Shirshak kandel

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Thursday, March 21, 2019

Basic computer knowledge

Basic computer knowledge

1)Map of computer science

2)How computer work

1)all computer do 4 typical things(input,storage and processing,output).binary number system and decimal number system. In every position increased by 10 times in decimal while in binary(1 wire 1 bit ) by 2 . like 1 2 4 8 16 9-1001 ,text ,image,video and animation(pixel which contain rgb which is again number ) 1 image have million pixel and 1 video of 30 image for second contains over 3 billion pixel and Even sound(series of vibration ,waveform and represent by number. 32 bit have higher number then 8 bit
3)circuit and logic
not circuit,and circuit,adder,multiple adder,small the size of circuit the speed of electricity is very fast as speed of light
4)cpu,memory input and output and hardware and software.

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3)How internet work

1)wires,cable and wifi- 1 and 0 send by electricity,light and radio fiber optic dont loss there signal at long speed and
have speed of light
2) ip address and DNS - address like phone and mailing address have different part like country,sate,city,street address ipv4 32 bit divided into 4 by 8 bit each can give address upto ipv4 (4 billion ) and ipv6 .DNS register ip address of website and hacker can do DNS spoofing
3) packet,router and reliability - internet is made of 100 and 1000 network with billion of device connected with it - big data is send into thousand of package and TCP act as to send ack more router more reliability is data package are resemble in order.

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4)Computer crash course

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5)How computer read our code?

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