See you at top
Realistically, we should understand that a person suffering from malnutrition cannot be restored to complete physical health by eating one well-balanced meal, regardless of how big or good it might be. So please understand that for the moment all we can do is cover that “garbage” with a thin veneer of positive thinking and right mental attitude.The oft-repeated philosophy “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want” is another way of saying if you serve more, you earn more.First, a perfect memory doesn’t indicate a great mind any more than a huge dictionary, with all the words in it, represents a great piece of literature. Second, the person who can’t remember is infinitely better off than the one who can’t forget. Those two thoughts are temporarily comforting, but don’t hang your hat on them. Go buy a memory book, and learn how to develop yours. Actually, there is no such thing as a “good” memory or a “bad” memory; its is either trained or untrained. The choice of whether you train it or leave it untrained is up to you.Instead of feeling inferior because someone else can do something you can’t, why not concentrate on what you can do that others can’t? Admire the skill of others but remember, in most instances you could greatly improve your own skill by using the same amount of time and effort. Experience is often the only difference.Fortunately, you don’t have to swap one asset (your health) for another (money). By developing the positive characteristics I cover in this book and building on the foundation of character, faith, integrity, love, loyalty, and honesty, you can have them all. (Health, wealth, happiness, peace, friends, security, etc.). Build a healthy self-image with a series of short steps. One reason many people never attempt new things is their fear of failure. If possible, start any new venture with a phase or portion you are confident you can handle, then transfer that initial accomplishment from one area of success to another. The child who multiplies 2 X 2 transfers that to bigger success and multiplies 3 X 4, 5 X 6, etc. He or she then sees himself or herself as being capable of mastering mathematics. The child who “survives” the first batch of oatmeal cookies “sees” himself as being capable of baking better things.“It’s not who’s right that is important— it’s what’s right,” “The person who won’t stand for something will fall for anything,” “Tell the truth and tell it ever, costeth what it will, for he who hides the wrong he did, does the wrong thing still.”.A wise man said, “A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could.” How do you see others? The greatest good we can do for anyone is not to share our wealth with them, but rather to reveal their own wealth to them. It’s astonishing how much talent and ability rests inside a human being. We devoted considerable time in the first two segments selling you on you. Just as the first step to success is knowing your own potential, the second step is knowing the potential of others. Fortunately, as we recognize our own ability, it’s easy to recognize the ability of others. Once we see it, we can help them discover it for themselves.
CHAPTER 10Are Goals Really Necessary?
How can you hit a target you don’t even have? Let me ask you this: Have you written your goals down? Have you answered the question of why you want to reach that particular goal? Have you determined the benefits you will enjoy by reaching the goal? Have you identified the obstacles you must overcome in order to get there? Have you identified the people, groups, and organizations you need to work with in order to achieve this objective? Have you explored what you need to know in order to reach this destination? Have you developed a specific plan of action to make it happen? Finally, have you set a realistic date for the accomplishment of this particular goal or objective? Until you answer these questions, you really do not have even a goal, much less a goals program.The problem is they don’t plan anything. Since goals are so important, why do only 3% of the American people specifically commit their goals to paper? There are four basic reasons. First, they have never been “sold.” Told, yes—sold, no. Second, they don’t know how. Third, they fear they won’t reach the goals they set and will be embarrassed. Fourth, poor self-image. They don’t think they deserve the good things life has to offer, so why bother to write down what you want since you don’t “deserve” to have it, which means (in their mind) that they won’t have it.Yes, there is danger in setting goals, but the risk is infinitely greater when you don’t set goals. The reason is simple. Just as ships are built to sail the seas, planes to fly the heavens, and houses for living, so is man created for a purpose. You are here for a reason. That purpose is to get everything out of you that is humanly possible so you can make your contributions to mankind. Goals enable you to do more for yourself and others, too. Since the first and most obvious. There are seven different kinds of goals: physical, mental, spiritual, personal, family, career, and financial.“Goals can be negative if one of three conditions exists. First, your goal can be negative if you don’t accept the fact that you must be the architect of accomplishment and that “luck” is not involved. Second, your goal can be negative if it is unrealistically big. It must be out of reach but not out of sight. Third, it can be negative if it is outside your area of interests or was set to please someone else.This is applicable to all areas of life. You don’t pay the price for success (now remember, success is acquiring a reasonable or large amount of all the good things), you enjoy the benefits of success. You pay the price for failure. You don’t pay the price for a good marriage—you enjoy the benefits of a good marriage. Note: All of these benefits require commitment and effort on your part, but the benefits in each example are so great that they are well worth it.If you want to reach your goal, you must “see the reaching” in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.
how do you get up when you are down? First—recognize that you are “down.” Second—understand that there are seldom, if ever, any “hopeless” situations, but there are many people who lose hope in the face of some situations. Third—know that the condition is temporary; and fourth—set a time limit on how long you plan to stay down.When you choose a habit, you often choose the end result of that habit. Good habits are difficult to acquire, but easy to live with. Bad habits are easy to acquire, but difficult to live with. Almost without exception, bad habits comeexamples emphasize that when you are around a negative, evil, or destructive environment long enough you will go from objection to tolerance, from tolerance to acceptance, and from acceptance to participation and even enjoyment. It makes no difference how little it was to start with, it will grow.Habit is a cable; we weave a thread of it each day until it becomes too
strong to break. Then the strength of that habit cable takes us to the top—or ties us to the bottom, depending on whether it is a good habit or a bad one.habits will either make or break us.
habits will either make or break us. Good habits are hard to acquire but easy to live with. Bad habits are easy to acquire but hard to live with. In reality, as in all the good things in life, it boils down to the choices we make. We can choose to be happy, healthy, pleasant, courteous, successful, etc. We make the choice when we choose our habits. After we make the habits, they make us. It has truly been said that we build our character from the bricks of habit we pile up day by day. Each one might seem like a little thing, but before we’re aware of it, we’ve shaped the house in which we live.
Failure has been correctly identified as the line of least persistence, whereas success is often a question of simply sticking to the job and working and believing while you are sticking. If your particular job is harder than you might wish, just remember you can’t sharpen a razor on a piece of velvet and you can’t sharpen a man by spoon-feeding him.
Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation. Many times it is just over the hill or around the corner. Sometimes it takes that extra push to climb that hill or round that curve. The wit was right when he said, “If you have enough push you don’t have to worry about pull.”
President Calvin Coolidge wrote, “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence, determination, and hard work makes the difference.”it might surprise you now when I say there’s no such thing as a lazy person; he’s either sick or uninspired. If a person is sick, he should go to his doctor. If he’s uninspired, there are several things he should do. He should read and re-read this book, listen to motivational speakers, and associate with inspirational people.I believe many “lazy” people have an image attitude problem. Feeling that if they give their all and don’t make it, they’ll be failures, they rationalize that if they give a half-hearted effort and don’t make it, they have a built-in excuse. In their own minds they don’t feel like a failure because they did not really try. They often shrug their shoulders and say, “It doesn’t make any difference to me.” It’s the same way with many workers.Many times the student says to the teacher, “If I take a bad grade home for this semester my folks will really lay it on me. So Teacher, if you will just give me a good grade this quarter, I promise I’ll study real hard next quarter.” My experience has been that it doesn’t work that way. If it did, I could easily imagine a farmer praying, “Lord, if you will just give me a crop this year, I promise to plant the seed and work hard next year.” What they are really saying is, “Reward me and then I’ll produce.”
But life doesn’t work that way. You must first put something into life before you can expect to get anything out of it. Now, if you’ll just transfer this knowledge to the rest of your life, you will climb higher and be happier in the process. By now Bernard was getting hot and tired, so he threw up his hands and said, “Jimmy, there just isn’t any water in this well.” Jimmy quickly grabbed the pump handle and kept pumping as he said, “Don’t stop now, Bernard; if you do, the water will go all the way back down and then you’ll have to start all over again.” That, too, is the story of life. There isn’t a human being in existence, regardless of age, sex, or occupation, who doesn’t occasionally feel he might as well “stop pumping” because there isn’t any water down there. So if you occasionally feel that way, it should be comforting to know that you’ve got lots of company.It’s often difficult to get the train started, but once it’s moving it requires considerably less fuel to keep it on its way.Desire is the ingredient that changes the hot water of mediocrity to the steam of outstanding success. It’s the ingredient that enables a person with average ability to successfully compete with those who have far more. Desire is the “extra” that makes the little differences and it’s the little differences that make the big difference in life.
Realistically, we should understand that a person suffering from malnutrition cannot be restored to complete physical health by eating one well-balanced meal, regardless of how big or good it might be. So please understand that for the moment all we can do is cover that “garbage” with a thin veneer of positive thinking and right mental attitude.The oft-repeated philosophy “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want” is another way of saying if you serve more, you earn more.First, a perfect memory doesn’t indicate a great mind any more than a huge dictionary, with all the words in it, represents a great piece of literature. Second, the person who can’t remember is infinitely better off than the one who can’t forget. Those two thoughts are temporarily comforting, but don’t hang your hat on them. Go buy a memory book, and learn how to develop yours. Actually, there is no such thing as a “good” memory or a “bad” memory; its is either trained or untrained. The choice of whether you train it or leave it untrained is up to you.Instead of feeling inferior because someone else can do something you can’t, why not concentrate on what you can do that others can’t? Admire the skill of others but remember, in most instances you could greatly improve your own skill by using the same amount of time and effort. Experience is often the only difference.Fortunately, you don’t have to swap one asset (your health) for another (money). By developing the positive characteristics I cover in this book and building on the foundation of character, faith, integrity, love, loyalty, and honesty, you can have them all. (Health, wealth, happiness, peace, friends, security, etc.). Build a healthy self-image with a series of short steps. One reason many people never attempt new things is their fear of failure. If possible, start any new venture with a phase or portion you are confident you can handle, then transfer that initial accomplishment from one area of success to another. The child who multiplies 2 X 2 transfers that to bigger success and multiplies 3 X 4, 5 X 6, etc. He or she then sees himself or herself as being capable of mastering mathematics. The child who “survives” the first batch of oatmeal cookies “sees” himself as being capable of baking better things.“It’s not who’s right that is important— it’s what’s right,” “The person who won’t stand for something will fall for anything,” “Tell the truth and tell it ever, costeth what it will, for he who hides the wrong he did, does the wrong thing still.”.A wise man said, “A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could.” How do you see others? The greatest good we can do for anyone is not to share our wealth with them, but rather to reveal their own wealth to them. It’s astonishing how much talent and ability rests inside a human being. We devoted considerable time in the first two segments selling you on you. Just as the first step to success is knowing your own potential, the second step is knowing the potential of others. Fortunately, as we recognize our own ability, it’s easy to recognize the ability of others. Once we see it, we can help them discover it for themselves.
CHAPTER 10Are Goals Really Necessary?
How can you hit a target you don’t even have? Let me ask you this: Have you written your goals down? Have you answered the question of why you want to reach that particular goal? Have you determined the benefits you will enjoy by reaching the goal? Have you identified the obstacles you must overcome in order to get there? Have you identified the people, groups, and organizations you need to work with in order to achieve this objective? Have you explored what you need to know in order to reach this destination? Have you developed a specific plan of action to make it happen? Finally, have you set a realistic date for the accomplishment of this particular goal or objective? Until you answer these questions, you really do not have even a goal, much less a goals program.The problem is they don’t plan anything. Since goals are so important, why do only 3% of the American people specifically commit their goals to paper? There are four basic reasons. First, they have never been “sold.” Told, yes—sold, no. Second, they don’t know how. Third, they fear they won’t reach the goals they set and will be embarrassed. Fourth, poor self-image. They don’t think they deserve the good things life has to offer, so why bother to write down what you want since you don’t “deserve” to have it, which means (in their mind) that they won’t have it.Yes, there is danger in setting goals, but the risk is infinitely greater when you don’t set goals. The reason is simple. Just as ships are built to sail the seas, planes to fly the heavens, and houses for living, so is man created for a purpose. You are here for a reason. That purpose is to get everything out of you that is humanly possible so you can make your contributions to mankind. Goals enable you to do more for yourself and others, too. Since the first and most obvious. There are seven different kinds of goals: physical, mental, spiritual, personal, family, career, and financial.“Goals can be negative if one of three conditions exists. First, your goal can be negative if you don’t accept the fact that you must be the architect of accomplishment and that “luck” is not involved. Second, your goal can be negative if it is unrealistically big. It must be out of reach but not out of sight. Third, it can be negative if it is outside your area of interests or was set to please someone else.This is applicable to all areas of life. You don’t pay the price for success (now remember, success is acquiring a reasonable or large amount of all the good things), you enjoy the benefits of success. You pay the price for failure. You don’t pay the price for a good marriage—you enjoy the benefits of a good marriage. Note: All of these benefits require commitment and effort on your part, but the benefits in each example are so great that they are well worth it.If you want to reach your goal, you must “see the reaching” in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.
how do you get up when you are down? First—recognize that you are “down.” Second—understand that there are seldom, if ever, any “hopeless” situations, but there are many people who lose hope in the face of some situations. Third—know that the condition is temporary; and fourth—set a time limit on how long you plan to stay down.When you choose a habit, you often choose the end result of that habit. Good habits are difficult to acquire, but easy to live with. Bad habits are easy to acquire, but difficult to live with. Almost without exception, bad habits comeexamples emphasize that when you are around a negative, evil, or destructive environment long enough you will go from objection to tolerance, from tolerance to acceptance, and from acceptance to participation and even enjoyment. It makes no difference how little it was to start with, it will grow.Habit is a cable; we weave a thread of it each day until it becomes too
strong to break. Then the strength of that habit cable takes us to the top—or ties us to the bottom, depending on whether it is a good habit or a bad one.habits will either make or break us.
habits will either make or break us. Good habits are hard to acquire but easy to live with. Bad habits are easy to acquire but hard to live with. In reality, as in all the good things in life, it boils down to the choices we make. We can choose to be happy, healthy, pleasant, courteous, successful, etc. We make the choice when we choose our habits. After we make the habits, they make us. It has truly been said that we build our character from the bricks of habit we pile up day by day. Each one might seem like a little thing, but before we’re aware of it, we’ve shaped the house in which we live.
Failure has been correctly identified as the line of least persistence, whereas success is often a question of simply sticking to the job and working and believing while you are sticking. If your particular job is harder than you might wish, just remember you can’t sharpen a razor on a piece of velvet and you can’t sharpen a man by spoon-feeding him.
Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation. Many times it is just over the hill or around the corner. Sometimes it takes that extra push to climb that hill or round that curve. The wit was right when he said, “If you have enough push you don’t have to worry about pull.”
President Calvin Coolidge wrote, “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence, determination, and hard work makes the difference.”it might surprise you now when I say there’s no such thing as a lazy person; he’s either sick or uninspired. If a person is sick, he should go to his doctor. If he’s uninspired, there are several things he should do. He should read and re-read this book, listen to motivational speakers, and associate with inspirational people.I believe many “lazy” people have an image attitude problem. Feeling that if they give their all and don’t make it, they’ll be failures, they rationalize that if they give a half-hearted effort and don’t make it, they have a built-in excuse. In their own minds they don’t feel like a failure because they did not really try. They often shrug their shoulders and say, “It doesn’t make any difference to me.” It’s the same way with many workers.Many times the student says to the teacher, “If I take a bad grade home for this semester my folks will really lay it on me. So Teacher, if you will just give me a good grade this quarter, I promise I’ll study real hard next quarter.” My experience has been that it doesn’t work that way. If it did, I could easily imagine a farmer praying, “Lord, if you will just give me a crop this year, I promise to plant the seed and work hard next year.” What they are really saying is, “Reward me and then I’ll produce.”
But life doesn’t work that way. You must first put something into life before you can expect to get anything out of it. Now, if you’ll just transfer this knowledge to the rest of your life, you will climb higher and be happier in the process. By now Bernard was getting hot and tired, so he threw up his hands and said, “Jimmy, there just isn’t any water in this well.” Jimmy quickly grabbed the pump handle and kept pumping as he said, “Don’t stop now, Bernard; if you do, the water will go all the way back down and then you’ll have to start all over again.” That, too, is the story of life. There isn’t a human being in existence, regardless of age, sex, or occupation, who doesn’t occasionally feel he might as well “stop pumping” because there isn’t any water down there. So if you occasionally feel that way, it should be comforting to know that you’ve got lots of company.It’s often difficult to get the train started, but once it’s moving it requires considerably less fuel to keep it on its way.Desire is the ingredient that changes the hot water of mediocrity to the steam of outstanding success. It’s the ingredient that enables a person with average ability to successfully compete with those who have far more. Desire is the “extra” that makes the little differences and it’s the little differences that make the big difference in life.
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