Money related - Shirshak kandel

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Saturday, March 2, 2019

Money related

1)How money is made  and who control it ?

1)Supply and demand
2) IOU
3) Central bank of country(Tresure) 
4) federal reserve 
5) flait currency and real money 
6) Fractional reserve by commercial bank and it impact
7)  Central bank create many by IOU and commercial bank by loan.

Coldfusion who controls our money -part 1

Coldfusion-Who controls our money-part II

b)Secrets of money by Seeken -Part I

Secrets of money by Seeken- part II

2) Different Depression and economic loss in histroy in past

a)Great Depression  1929 by finnovationz

b)Dotcom Bubble from 2000-2002

c)2008 financial crisis 

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